The shock is deep: €17,000 worth of technology was stolen from our wonderful new theatre under the bridge.
We are part of Cologne's independent dance and theatre scene. And we are poor in the truest sense of the word. What we have and unfortunately only had at the moment, we have worked hard for and saved - partly with the use of our personal money.
We share what we have, space and material, our performances are mostly free of admission.
We simply cannot understand what has happened now.
And we are now asking everyone for help.
Keep your eyes open for our material - on ebay or elsewhere - a list will follow soon.
We would also appreciate any support for re-procurement, because the next performances are coming up in the very near future - and we are lacking almost everything to realise them!
Buy new or cancel? Because we love our work and our audience, we decide to "buy new" - so please help us!
For donations and support: Bank account: ANGELS Aerials - Flugtheater in Köln e.V.
IBAN: DE03 4306 0967 1122 0471 00
Note: “Spende Diebstahl“
ANGELS Aeirlas - Vertical Dance and Theatre Cologne
Der weiße Knopf (The White Button)